Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This is your chance of a lifetime to get in front of huge momentum and growth... ask me how

KACHING KACHING Launches Major Campaign to Attract 20,000 New Independent Storeowners

Anticipating Strong Growth Acceleration Over the Next 12 Months

Press Release Source: KACHING KACHING, Inc. On Monday September 27, 2010, 8:00 am EDT

HENDERSON, Nev., Sept. 27, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KACHING KACHING, Inc. (www.kachingkaching.com) (OTCBB:KCKC - News) today announced the launch of a massive action program aimed at expanding its existing network of ISOs (independent store owners) by 20,000 over the next 90 days.

Following a recently announced strategic partnership with i-Click Pro and an already strong viral marketing distribution model, the Company is foreseeing significant growth over the next 12 months. With the recent run rate, and industry buzz surrounding the Company and its innovative platform, KACHING KACHING predicts it will have over 100,000 independent store owners in its network over the next 12 months.

"The vision is to allow anyone to have the same opportunity to sell and make money online as the big guys -- to level the playing field for everyone. KACHING KACHING has successfully introduced a system by which virtually anyone with the desire to, can be in business for themselves, but not by themselves. Our ISOs are becoming a part of the future and simultaneously creating a massive opportunity for themselves by joining a platform that is poised to be the next-generation Amazon.com," stated Bob McNulty, CEO of KACHING KACHING.

With the August launch of its online platform, the Company has created a vehicle in which ordinary people can vie competitively with Fortune 500 companies and corporate giants. With KACHING KACHING's revolutionary home business system, literally anyone with the ability to go online can with little to no cash expenditure, become an online store owner and profit from the sales of millions of products and thousands of name brand items across the web. Overwhelming regulation and insurmountable competition from the corporate giants have made it difficult, if not impossible, for the average individual to even get started, much less successfully compete -- KACHING KACHING has effectively removed those barriers.


KACHING KACHING Inc. is the very first retail chain of online stores serving consumers on the Internet. It licenses co-branded proprietary online store fronts that can be operated by Independent Store Owners full or part- time with exponential viral growth. Each online storefront will offer millions of items and thousands of name brand products to sell at everyday low prices. Powered by superior customer service and driven by value, KACHING KACHING Inc. provides every Independent Store Owner with the best opportunity for financial success. For more information, visit www.kachingkaching.com.

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